Меню KDT

Конкурс чтецов

On April, 28 American Corner of the regional library named after Sabit Mukanov opened its doors to 54 participants from all schools of Petropavlovsk to take part in the poetry contest «And lines come easily without barriers…».

6 contestants represented lycee “Best” and, having done everything to the best of their abilities, proudly won three third places and one first. All students not only recited the poems they learnt but also showed their talents in playing musical instruments and singing.

Here are the results we are very proud of:

1 place- Zinchenko Alisa, 10 “C”

3 place- Gazizulin Rasim, 10 “C”

Pomazkova Elizaveta, 10 “C”

Kornilova Angelina, 8 “C”

(Teacher of English- Gavrilova Alla Vladimirovna)

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