Меню KDT

Summer language camp at the lycee “BEST”!

“ Some teenagers feel tired and  unable to concentrate on school because of the lack of sleep. Do you agree with that?” -  our teacher Elena Vladimirovna asks us.

 The students raise their hands in order to give the answer and our discussion starts. If you were there, you could hear different points of view, students’ arguments and interesting questions, accompanied by funny stories from their life.

This is how our lessons are conducted in the language summer camp of our school. The themes of our lessons are diverse. For example, “ Someone I admire”, “Looking into the future”, “ The meaning of dreams” and so on. We not only practice our speaking skills , but often listen to audio recordings, read texts that give us a lot of useful information, learn the grammar of the language. Interesting exercises make our studies unique and dissimilar to each other.

In my opinion, the most important thing in our summer program is that we can spend all the time together, discuss topical issues and strive for knowledge, for the future. Nowadays , English is the most popular and common language in the world. He is also our bridge to a bright future, which is not far off.

So, raise your hands higher, guys. Speak, express your opinion, be self-confident because our future depends on the present.

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