Меню KDT

The “Prodigy” Contest 2017

The results (the 5th and the 6th grades)

№  Participants               Form                  Theme                             Awards

1 Seriy Danil                  5 C          “Stonehenge”                            1

2 Andreyeva Darya        5 A         “Top 10 tourist attractions”       2

3 Musanova Nargiz        5 C         “Education in South Korea”      2

4 Ruban Maria

Tatvayeva Aruzhan         5 A          “Choosing safe toys”               3

5 Chernetsova Karina

 Khasenova Ayazhan      5 D      “Our favourite film

                                                      “Home alone”                            3

6 Bekkozhina Kamila     6 B      “The qualities a female

                                                     politician needs to be

                                             successful in the world of politics”     1

7 Chen Anton

 Nurzhaipova Aina          6 C        “Margaret Thatcher –

                                                           the iron lady”                        2

8 Aikenova Saniya

Kuderova Aruay              6 B          “Queen Victoria”                     2

9 Zhanseitova Dayana     6 C        “Margaret Thatcher”                  3

10 Parkhomenko Xeniya 6 A        “Queen Elizabeth II”                  3



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