Меню KDT

Robots start to conquer lycee “BEST”

Since the beginning of this school year the students of our lycee have got the opportunity to visit the workshop “Robotics” twice a week. This workshop is aimed at all interested senior students starting from the 8th grade. The members of the study group work with the sets “Lego mindstorms ev3”. At the lesson the students see the laws of physics in action as well as solve interesting Geometry and Maths problems. They get acquainted with drafting course and 3D modelling, learn to perceive three-dimensional space. In short, they learn to think not only with their heads but also with their hands. It helps them  develop logical thinking and fine motor skills, makes the thinking process well-organized, and also influences the decision-making process. The students learn about the structure of robots and about already functioning systems. The acquired skills can help them in the future in designing and organizing their own systems in any sphere since any kind activity has its set of rules and limitations.

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